this is based on a book by robert kaiser.e want to get your calls and comments in light of next week a senate convenes in the closed- door session that will take place in the old senate chamber. that was an idea put forth by some senate republicans, including bob corker. we will be monitoring what happens outside the chamber and we will be getting your calls and comments as well. back to the peace by jennifer steinhauer, "a day of friction notable even for a fractious congress." all this coming to a head. the big issue continues to be a number of the president's nominees. sarah binder is going to be joining us later in the programs talk specifically about what impact this potentially could have on the ugnate as an institution. h north carolina, democrat line, good morning. still dressing sharp. listen, on the filibuster rule, there have never been so many filibusters registered by the republicans under this resident -- under any other president. we cannot t anything done because every time we turn around they are filibusterin