robert kiley was a former nsa president.e said students were important to others on most con nuts -- continents, but on africa they were in the actors. the best way to explain what you are raising, and what in the book is disturbing, not only to me and you, but many participants, where did these massive number of reports go once they were inside the cia? what was the pipeline? >> these were reports not just the people who conducted seminars but leaders making fact-finding trips. karen: a report was filed on every foreign student contact. every student that you came in contact with, the way you came into contact with them differed. this is why you had a case officer. this is to whom you sent the report. mid-50's, the way i would frame it, u.s. foreign-policy and covert actions followed different tracts. in the early part of the cold war, everyone knew what the policy was, containment. the junior diplomatic thrust was also containment. counter the soviets with their own organization. camee mid-50's, what important was to win f