in march 1995 mcveigh creates a fake driver's license with the name robert d. klingpril 19th, 1972. on april 14th, mcveigh buys the yellow 1977 mercury marquis from a used car dealer in junction city, kansas. the next day, mcveigh reserves the ryder truck from elliots body shop using the robert d. kling alias. on april 16th, mcveigh and nichols drive the mercury to oklahoma city. mcveigh parks it several blocks away from the murrah building. he removes the license plates from the car and leaves a note. not abandoned. please do not tow. will move by april 23rd. needs battery and cable. two days later, mcveigh and nichols rendezvous near junction city where they assemble the bomb in the truck. >> the ammonium nitrate and fuel would have been mixed in some barrels, something akin to a 55 gallon plastic barrel. those barrels were then likely connected with this detonating cord which led to the boosters and ultimately that detonating cord would have come together where the detonators or blasting caps were. >> but at the last minute, terry nichols, like michael fortier, ba