robert m. lyonshat is crazy is that -- check this out -- he says in the chat that he is 28. >> that ain't no 28. >> there's no way he's 28. >> in fact he was 68 years old. we see a lot of fibbing online about ages, but it's usually five or ten years, you know, not 40 years. >> this is his picture, right? that's his sex offender arrest picture. it's the same guy. >> yeah. yeah. >> everything is the same. >> when you think that this guy had just recently pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage boy, that he had the guts to tell somebody he was 40 years younger than he really was, and then to follow through on the chat by actually showing up, i mean, it's stunning. what was your plan here today, robert? >> no plan. >> no plan at all? i've got the transcripts of your conversation here. >> i'm sorry? >> i've got the transcripts of your conversation here. you say to him, i'll be your girlfriend and you be my boyfriend, huh? he says are you a girl? you say, no, oh sometimes i wish i was. you say what d