. >> host: when we've talked to some of your colleagues, robert mcdowell and ajit pai, they both mention that the government has a lot of the spectrum that is being unused and talked about more sharing. >> guest: yes. >> host: could you address those issues as well? >> guest: well, one of the things that we say internally, and we say it jokingly, but we're very serious, they're serious about it. this is an all-of the above type strategy. meaning when we talk about incentive auctions that we're talking about, in terms of the engagement, i mentioned 2014 for a reason. it's going to take a while for us, um, to put all of the rules of the road together, to get that in gear for, um, for that engagement to take place. so in the meantime, what do we do to address some of the critical, um, needs that we have by way of in this instance what's driving here, and that's, you know, mobile engagement. um, every other person we know has a tablet. um, most people we know, you know, they have smartphones. that uses more energies, you know, in terms of more energy than our standard, you know, our legacy,