. >> democrat robert menendez attacks his republican opponent bob hugin for airing commercials accusingz of keeping company with prostitutes. some as young as 16. >> menendez had been traveling to the dominican republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes. >> the accusations were not part of a 2015 federal criminal indictment, charging menendez with corruption. that resulted in a hung jury and were later dropped. >> this deceitful, despicable attack ad tells you everything you need to know about republican bob hugin. that he is a slimeball, he is a misogynist, and he's a liar. >> hugin says the comments reveal the senator's hypocrisy in light of the speech in kavanaugh's confirmation controversy. >> when will we as a society begin to believe women? >> i stand by what i said. i have lived my life with integrity and honor. his character is in question. not mine. >> he is a multimillionaire. he spent much of his own money to fund the campaign. today menendez released his own ad attacking hugin. a former pharmaceutical executive for putting profits before people. >> hugin was will