and jane jacobs, and for those who do not know, robert moses was also known as the powerbroker,ublic servant with almost totalitarian influence. he made a lot of the very necessary public works in new york, the highways, the waterfronts, the public housing. charlie: often bulldozing everything out of the way, removing people were they were. bjarke: at some point, he wanted to run a highway through greenwich village, and he encountered resistance from jane jacobs, and it was sort of a david-goliath moment to defeat the plans and save the village but we thought what if they had worked together, because to resist an incoming flood, you need to create 12 miles of contiguous waterfront with a very sort of holistic overview but to make it successful for the community, it needs to happen in a closed conversation with the people who are going to inhabit it, so instead of making a wall that separates the city from the water around it, to make it into an inviting landscape of undulating hills, furniture, pagodas, which actually brings the life of the city together. charlie: there is also