the state's star witness, robert mullins. >> the witness i call the jailhouse snitch and you call thee's a snitch. no question about that. at the end of the day, what we learned from robert mullins is he's been given a fairly detailed account by gagnon of what occurred that evening and what the crime scene looked like. >> in fact, he said mullins was the first to tell police this piece of bombshell news. gagnon mentioned an accomplice in the killings. >> the only way he can have that information is from someone who was at the crime scene, who participated in the crime. and then the prosecutor tried to spin an inconvenient fact in his favor. the mystery blood drops at the murder scene had been tested. the dna was not a match to rick but an unidentified male. that, said the prosecutor, actually supported what mullins said, that rick had an accomplice. humphreys believed the evidence was enough to put the defendant away. he only wished he could make the same case against rick's old girlfriend. what about bambi? she wasn't being tried in this courtroom. >> no. i think it's a travesty. >>