when robert murel did the indictments on 13 russian individuals and organizations saying these were individuals that we're targeting, the administration has put sanctions back on those so they seem to be paying attention to that. reporter: we're talking about election integrity here. can you comment on the idea that the president today called vladimir putin to congratulate im on winning his elections? [inaudible] reporter: you repeatedly stressed the urgent need to act here. given the midterm's right around the corner, today are these systems any safer now han they were in 2016? ms. harris: we're working on that. we just received an update from d.h.s. i do believe that they, through the course of at least this last year, have increasingly prioritized this as an issue that requires their immediate attention and immediate action. so we have witnessed and we've seen improvements in the resources that they're putting into this. and the thought that they're putting into what can be creative work around prevention and also detection. a lot of the work has to be focused on these various pieces. and it