i'd like to introduce robert o'harrow. he is going to bleed our conversation today. thank you. >> good morning everybody. hopefully everybody has some coffee. i am robert o'harrow, i'm a reporter here at the post and for years on and off i've written about technology, the rise of the internet and some years ago about cybersecurity. interestingly enough the issue of cybersecurity was very very urgent in the early 2000 and it's only become more and more important. literally i would say by the week. we all have heard about massive attacks and varied attacks that have exposed information that have lead to theft and created national security vulnerabilities and left us all a little more uneasy. today we have some people that are on the frontlines of trying to fight that on behalf of their clients and by extension on behalf of all of us to make the cyber world a little safer for all the social engagement that we have and all the business that we rely on and once again for national security. the head of trust and security is responsible for ensuring security for the company