and i think back to the remarkable document that robert oppenheimer and the other members of the acheson and lilienthal commission assembled, put together, worked out in 1946 which was then kind of botched by bernard baa rook and changed around when he presented it to the united nations. what oppenheimer -- be ruin at one point asked oppenheimer, where's your army? so many chiefs, how are you going to stop that? there's no provision here for any enforcement. and oppenheimer said, well, somebody started building a nuclear weapon, that would be an act of war. and that means every other country who was party to the agreement would necessarily be threatened and concerned. and presumably, would proceed step by step toward some negotiation to coercive negotiation to, perhaps, conventional invasion as with iraq in 1991. but oppenheimer pointed out, at the ultimate point if all else failed, the other countries involved could always reconstitute their nuclear arsenals as well. and under those circumstances we would only be back to where we are right now. so it's not so implausible, i think, or id