robert oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb basically said we are seduced by it, we worried about it afterwards and marine general james mattis who used to be one of my heroes often said to his soldiers you have got to forget about technology, you have to operate on your own. not saying that anymore. we have the largest defense budget in the world, larger than the next eight countries combined and we are the largest proliferator of weapons in the world, twice as much as russia. war is different, we all know that, terrorism, guerrilla warfare, cyberwarfare, intrusion in our election systems, advanced technology is like cyber and other things, more available to more people all over the world. people worry about cyberattacks on our electric grid. we saw what happened with sony. virus somebody did, war is going to be closer to home as we have seen, others are going to have the same technologies we have. it used to be we were way ahead of people. now it is fairly obvious countries like china are beating us badly in high technology areas. machines in some form will watch for us. i worked i