. >>> being called a good old-fashioned courthouse brouhaha, 21-year-old robert petern, walking into the court house for a hearing made af vid. >> i'd just like to know where your warrant is. >> you guys can search it but you're going to be billed for it. >> the personnel at the courthouse are telling robert that he can't bring his video camera into the court house. robert has a problem with that. >> i'm a person. i'm a man. i'm not subject to your jurisdiction. >> he gets the camera through and he starts filming the court house. of course he's noticed. now, he's given ample opportunities from people here at the courthouse. >> there are no cameras in the courtroom. >> yeah, there is. >> you have to put that away. >> no, i don't. >> shut the camera off now. >> no, thank you. >> i'm holding you accountable because you're about to overstep your bounds. >> let me tell you why he's there. 21-year-old robert peterson got a ticket for riding his bike at night without a light. >> what? >> i'm not like everybody else here, i'm not a person, i'm a man. >> these guys clear out the entire courth