nobody has ever admitted that. >> robert pleyer could take it no more. then a police investigation began, leading to one of the sect's teachers receiving a two-year sentence for child abuse. after which the "twelve tribes" opted to leave germany. we wanted to meet the sect in "skalna" to find out if they'd changed their ways. our interview request was ignored. so we travelled there anyway, and did manage to speak to one its members. he expresses surprise at our request. when we insist that we spoke to a colleague of his the day before he only offers that we send him a list with our questions. he refuses to answer any of our questions on the spot. the "twelve tribes" don't want to give a public statement at all. skalna's" residents have heard rumours about the sect. but they remain tolerant. >> i don't mind them. they've done nothing to offend me. they go to work, and they have every right to live their life like anybody else. >> i met some of them at the playground. and we started chatting about their faith and so on. >> i've got a problem with them. the