robert pollin, your response?ook, biden has been obvious getting the truth about medicare for all throughout the campaign. he's not the only one, but he is the only one left running. the simple fact is medicare for all is capable of delivevering high quality good health care to every single person, every resident in the country at lower cost. financing this is simple. financing this is simple because it w will save money. we know itit will save money bebecause every other r advanced economyy is delivering health care for all, as bernie sasandes said in his speech,h, at roughly half of what we nonow pay. so whehebiden sayaywe can't popoibly afforord this, it is going to bankrupt the country, that flies against all the evidence we have from all the other advanced econonomies and l the research that h has beenn conducted by many people, myself included,ut many otother stududies. there was a study of f all the studies that came out from the university of california about two months ago which said, not 20t mine, but sh