robert profusek with jones day. ne that washington that aaron klein was part of is out to get washington? mr. profusek: i think we have moved beyond it. about the pay ratio thing. you can debate whether or not that is disclosure or social policy or whatever. to take five years to get that through, some would say that is because of guys like me pushing back. it has got to get done quicker. showed it your clients communicate better with the public to show they have a value add to american society? think most big companies are oriented in that direction. smaller companies, it is a question of allocation of resources, can you afford to tell your story in a generalized way. big companies do a lot through the chamber of commerce. they do other things. and the energy industry. they do things. arell honesty, when you trying to keep your head above water, you've got to prioritize. tom: our twitter question of the day, quite a global wall street responds. i guess you could take it on a global basis. we look specifically at chi