. >> so robert puentes, you obviously disagree. so who should pay for what needs to be done; who should pay for it, who's responsible? >> chris is exactly right we have to get more specific about the type of infrastructure we're talking about. because we have lots of different things. there's energy, telecommunications, transportation, even within transportation there's airports transit systems highways. there's all designed governed financed delivered so many different ways. we tend to overemphasize the federal role in a lot of this stuff. we look at the freight rail system which is the envy of the world over, it's entirely privately owned and operated. things like public transit the heavier public sector role. things like telecommunications are a mixed bag. so it really depends on who's using the system and who is the owner and operator. >> okay, let's talk about the highway system. how is it funded? how should it be funded? how to make it up that gap in funding? >> right now we have a lot of the money coming from the federal gov