i'm looking at right now, business week wrote about this yesterday, a picture of a very angry robert reichheir story about this. the main complaint his chief complaint, too much secrecy in the trade deal. is it possible to close the trade ill without keeping secrets? >> this is what the administration has a problem with with the complaints. this is a powerful coalition working against them on this. it is labor, environment of groups of civil rights groups as well. the issue is, michael froman they are saying he has not kept them in the loop on the specifics of this deal. inc. about what his job is. he is to go shooting with 12 different trade representatives, 11 other trade representative's, on a number of issues. terrorists, automotive agriculture going back and forth. everything is very sensitive. kind of subject to any move one way or the other. he is been the best he can according to his top aides and trying to keep people in the loop. there's only so much he thinks he can do. on the democratic side, members of congress are saying look, we have to vote on this. you need to keep us in t