gillette, author and producer, libertarian, a new web cast called "we've got a country to and robert rice, good to see robert again, professor of public policy university of california, berkeley, former labor secretary in the clinton administration. and here in new york, s.e. cupp of new york daily news. obama pressed wall street bankers urging them to help rebuild the economy. listen to what he said. >> my main message in today's meeting was very simple. that america's banks received extraordinary assistance from american taxpayers to rebuild their industry and now that they're back on their feet, we expect an inordinate -- extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild our economy. >> larry: let's start with miss cupp. what do you make of it? >> well, there's a couple of problems. tough talk is great, larry, but a little disingenuous when we're looking at a health care bill that's going to strangle small businesses. that's one. two, you know, i -- i -- i think this is a bit of a dog and pony show. these bankers are in a really tough spot, getting pressure from regular lators not to