and here's this whole canny robert rogers. nathan yell hale's commander that he had just left had been taught by robert rogers. robert rogers, you know, everybody knew but nobody knew what he looked like. there was no paintings. probably on purpose from his point of view. so anyway, he's sitting at this tavern, and hale comes over. he's this young kid, and rogers goes, yeah, you know, and he starts -- pretty soon hale spills his guts, and they kind of talk about, you know, life and commiserate, and rogers says, why don't you come back to this other tavern tomorrow night, i'll introduce you to some of my friends. because, of course, rogers can't kind of arrest him without some cooperation. so he comes and, you know, and then he, again, spills his -- hale spills his guts to this assembly of rogers' friends, and you can hear the boots of the red coats momming in, and -- coming in, and they take him away. after that rogers kind of loses faith. i'm not sure he was ever really that, you know, that interested in fighting on the side