they heard it from people like robert shipley with the american embassy. >> you're looking at a country in a time capsule for 50 years. no private enterprise of any sort. not even a street vendor was considered private enterprise. >> but welcome to the new czech, a place where a street vendor is part of enterprise. more than 50 million visitors expected to come to czech next year. but there aren't enough hotels or restaurants to accommodate them. still they will come. and the delegation from san francisco got a firsthand look at why. prague is the paris of eastern europe. or -- ornate, rich in history. a city spared by hitler. it's people embracing a new spirit. the u.s. ambassador, shirleytemple black. >> i think the thing i noticed the most was that people were looking down at the ground when they walked the posture was they were beaten. they were oppressed. and as soon as the revolution occurred there was a euphoria. kind of a new year's eve feeling for a couple of weeks. then we all settled down and realized we have to get to work. that there was no time to enjoy this great occasion