section 541, section 203-m of the robert t. stafford disaster relief and emergency assistance act is amended. section 542, for the infrastructure protection and information security account, $5,963,000 is rescinded. section 433, the secretary shall use such sums as may be necessary to make improvements to public access to the buffalo light house. section 544, the secretary may provide to personnel appointed to serve abroad allowances similar to those provided under the foreign service act of 1990. section 545, extension of programs. section 143 of division a of the consolidated security disaster assistance and continuing appropriations act 2009 is amended. section 546, in general, strike subparagraphs a through c that appear within section 426-b, division j of the consolidations appropriations act 2005. section 547, clarification of fee authority. in general, fees described in the immigration and nationality act for fingerprinting services and other necessary services may be collected whened a minutestering the program described in sect