and also was robert triplett, the financier. so we're in their house, and they're trying to get this done, and finally rust comes out to triplett and says, well, we need to settle this loan business. and this is right at the end of march of 1836. he says, well, what's the terms that we can offer? and triplett says, huh, i was on my way over here and everybody was trying to get across the trail in sabine and get away from the mexicans and everybody was offering their land at 12 1/2 cents per acre. and rust says hey, that's not going to do it. we're not going to sell at 12 1/2 cents. he said, yeah, that may not do for you. he said but if i had my money and i had clear title, i could have bought all the land i wanted. but i'm willing to pay double. i'm willing to pay 25 cents an acre. and he backs off a little bit. and rust says -- and they went back and forth. and russ says, is there no way for you to compromise for this matter? he said let's say you take 50 cents per acre for what you've paid in. how many acres of land will it tak