i'm sorry, of ellen schumer, mae woo, james haas, and patrick carney, and the appointment of robert vergara to the full board with a positive recommendation -- i'm sorry, to the city hall preservation advisory commission to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> clerk: i believe that would be an amendment to remove the word rejecting throughout the legislation and move that to the full board? >> supervisor mar: yes, victor, that's correct. >> chair ronen: can we have a roll call? >> clerk: on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. [inaudible]. >> clerk: we were getting some interference. please try again. >> chair ronen: oh, i just wanted to thank supervisor mar for making the motion and thank all of the appointees for their extraordinary work. thank you. mr. clerk, do we have any other items on the agenda? >> clerk: that completes the agenda for today. >> chair ronen: the meeting is adjourned. thank you, everyone. have a great day. >> hi. i'm chris manners, and you're watching coping with covid-19. today, in a very special 13th episode, i'm goi