with warm regards, signed, robert wexler. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. the clerk: leaves of absence requested for mr. radmanovic of florida today. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are granted. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. cake your -- take your conversations to the back of the room. the house will be in order. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the speaker pro tempore: think house will be in order. the chair will entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? >> to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: wok, the gentleman has one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to honor a remarkable woman. ms. pat seshoo is my office manager -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend, the house will be in order. the gentleman from new york will please continue. >> she's retiring next week after 33 years on the hill. sh