robert redford, nick not i, em thompson in this new movie, a walk in the woods. emma a thompson made a big mistake. she has a grade to be on good day philadelphia every month, mr. johnson goes to the drugstore and connects with a pharmacist to renew his arthritis medication. which means he can keep up with his granddaughter at her wedding. when older pennsylvanians make the most of programs supported by the pennsylvania lottery, like prescription drug programs, we all benefit. learn more at the pennsylvania lottery benefits older pennsylvanians every day. test. >> it is will the 31 this tuesday, i want to see this new movie, emma thompson is in it, robert redford, nick nulty. now there is a combination. >> it is called a walk in the woods. >> appalachian trail. >> 2,000 miles. >> (movie clip). >> perfect place for to you spend the night. >> people in their 20's can't do it. >> rain cover, too. >> rain cover (? >> to keep out the rain. >> you are not doing this alone. >> how would you like to join me for a little stroll? >> not in this lifetime. >> calling for some time. like a colonoscopy. >> can't. we get on each other's nerve ins europe. >> that was fo