she accused peter of murdering roberto ayala. ot make threats to roberto. paul works with roberto. keith morrison (voiceover): which is how parisi presented paul to the jury. of course, as you know, paul had a deeply troubled history with the law, violent sexual offense in his background, but the jury didn't get to hear about that. nor were they told about the dna, quite possibly paul's, that was found on the envelope containing the bomb diagram, excluded. so would the jury see the same paul moore that prosecutor's saw? he's almost like a marvel comic book arch villain. he's bright. he's clever. he's evil as can be, and he's got a flaw to him. his flaw is his arrogance. keith morrison (voiceover): the jury retired to think about it, and they were not fooled. after just five hours of deliberation, they walked back into the court room and declared paul moore guilty of murder. the judge sentenced him to life in prison. i remember driving away from the courtroom, and my wife and i were together. we just started crying because we knew