the family's american attorney roberto monteil showed me a letter he received dated march 14th. >> yourt's claim to not be attributed to a wrongful or nect act or omission on the part of the united states customs and border protection and it's over as far as they are concerned. >> monteil says the border patrol took two minutes from the time of the shooting to make this call to mexican authorities. >> let's listen to that call. >> the border patrol. >> monteil says the delay suggests indifference to the fact a mentionco can boy had been shot. may if they're really worried about somebody being hurt, you don't wait four minutes bays obviously, the shooting had stopped. >> hose an antonio's mother, aricelli says the letter from the border patrol is an outrage. >> translator: well, i think they are mad. they are wrong. how can they not be to blame? it was an assassination. at no point did my son shoot at them. he didn't have a weapon. so for me, it was a murder. i think a murder needs to be paid for injustice has to be dealt with. people can't go around killing people and have impunity. >>