my name is roberto viga and i am here to speak tonight as a resident of the bay view where i have lived since 1989 the same year that i graduate fromed mission high school where my father grad graduate and our community suffers from the highest rates of diabetes and the highest rates of er visits as a result of the er visits and the highest rates of hospitalizations resulting from long term hospitalizations resulting from diabetes related illness, and we have the largest african american population in san francisco with the fastest growing, with fast growing latino and api populations on that side of town and in san francisco, african american and latino adults have the highest rates of over weight and obesity, with nearly three quauters of us, either over weight or obese, and pacific islanders at nearly 100 percent, over weight or obese. i got my masters in public health here at san francisco state university and i have study obesity related diseases disparities. and the current policy proposals of supervisors mar and weiner reflect the best current science, with regards to the institu