our next questioner is roberto villasenor followed by bryan stephenson. >> thank you. all the presentations were very informative. i have two questions. first one, sheriff mcdonald, i heard you talk about corrections, mental health training for patrol officers, we need ways to influence the youth. and, you know, dr. goff, i heard your talk about partnerships. so there's a lot of different elements of the entire criminal justice system that need to get involved in this reform movement. and as we worked here and we've shared recommendations, written recommendations through the group sai that's helping us, i see a lot of that coming up where we're making suggestions outside of the traditional police world. and where we've often said in community policing, we can't arrest our way out of these type of problems. we have to look in a broader scale and a grander scale. and when we do that, i think we go far outside the traditional police realm. so i'd like to hear your thoughts on how we transition that from thought to action on a broader scale. open that up to anyone. >> i'll