and robertph nicholas, also a member of the city court. judge ofw the average james city county owned, on average, about 800 acres but there were a number of them that owned 2000 or 3000 acres, said they were extremely well-to-two well-to-do gentlemen. they served for the honor of the position, not dave. the better off you aren't society, the more free time you have in that society. shows what your public service of the society should be. -- it hadalitarian's a large it to it. about the lawyers, did them to a state test? tom: yes. either by themselves, as patrick henry did. thomas jefferson, who read under another. when you think you have sufficient knowledge of the law, you would go into being interviewed by two or three attorneys of the high court. interestingly, most of those who did the interviews were right here in town. look at lawyer licenses from the 18th century, names of those who lived he in the city and they would sign the licenses of the next generation of lawyers. so yes, you had to prove a basic knowledge of the law. that we