how does she deal, robi, with public ridicule. she goes to the market?>> larry: she knows what everybody's talking about. >> i think she ignores it. >> larry: ignores it. >> i think you have to put on your game face. she probably has close trusted people, hopefully, that she can talk to. but i think what she says is very little. less is more in this case. she doesn't need to explain anything to the public. it's really none of their business. all she should say is something like this. you know, i love my husband, and, you know, we are going through a tough time privately. and i appreciate you respecting my privacy. something along those lines, really. but not fueling the fire at all. and she doesn't need to answer to the public. and the public ultimately will feed into however it is that they deal with it. if they come through this strongly, then people will respect their relationship. >> larry: assuming that it was her that acted violently toward him, assuming that, what's the effect on his public image based on that? >> well, the question is, are we goi