robin brant has more from shanghai.o try and use the american justice system to get parts of the american government to overturn decisions, decisions that have targeted huawei, decisions that huawei believes are illegal. so we had legal action launched in may which was trying to speed up some kind of decision by the us courts against action by us agencies which, based on cyber security concerns, based on the claim that huawei is a national security threat, meant that us agencies couldn't buy kit from huawei. that was in may. today, in the last half an hour or so, further legal action by huawei in the united states, using the us court of appeals, in which it says the decision by the federal communications commission, that is the regulatory body in the us which oversees huawei's action, it says the decision made by the fcc which meant that some mobile phone carriers looking to expand in rural areas of america couldn't use government money — well, the fcc made that decision. huawei says it is illegal. huawei says there is