no one condemned robin d'angelo's obvious extremism. they grated it.rad webb, the commander of the air force education and training command made it very explicit. he acknowledged that the air force was recruiting candidates with a private pilot's license. that might seem like a wise course flying planes is what the air force does to general brad webb no that's systemic racism. >> one of the other areas in line with w. that has been aptitude tests and, in fact, the chief mentioned that one as well in his talk the other day. but we are deep under way in updating pilot odessas and also officer qualification tests that that is rude, you know, you get -- you get a weighted score if you have a private pilot's license. that's a socioeconomic influencer. in other words, if you are rich enough to have private pilot time, you can get a license. that ought not be, you know, weighted. >> right. >> in such a way that you exclude, you know, various ethnic groups. >> tucker: so the real question is how does a doughy moron like that end up with an important job in the