robin levitt followed by sharon colt, william pickle or pickel. >>> good afternoon, supervisors. robin levitt from hayes valley neighborhood association. i'm a long-time resident of hayes valley. i was also the co-chair with the late patricia walk up of the three campaigns to replace central freeway with octavia boulevard. i spent many of my years working on this project and still involved in it. and i just want to point out, and we all heard this, proposition i that passed the voters passed in 1999, i'm just going to paraphrase it because i don't have much time. after construction of octavia boulevard, it says the city shall utilize any remaining proceeds from the sale and/or disposition of the excess central freeway parcels for a transportation improvements to corridors on or ancillary to octavia boulevard. there have been some projects funded from the fund, funds realized from the sale of these parcels. they're all south of market. but if we look north of market consistently we have very problematic intersections that are still yet to be resoderv. we have oak and octavia and