the clerk: in, hereby move to bring to a close the debate on the nomination of robin s. rosenbaum of florida to be judge for the 11th circuit signed by 17 senators. the presiding officer: all time has been yielded back. by unanimous consent the mandatory quorum call has been waived. the question is: is it the sense of the senate that debat on the nomination of robin s. rosenbaum of florida to be united states circuit judge for the 11th circuit shall be brought to a close? the yeas and nays are mandatory under the rule. the clerk will call the roll. vote: the presiding officer: are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote? if not, the yeas are 58, the nays are 36. the motion is confirmed. the nomination. the motion is agreed to. under the previous order, with respect to the talwani, peterson, and rosenstengel nominations, the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table, the president will be immediately notified of the senate's action, and the senate will resume legislative session. the presiding officer: the senate will resume exe