he's got this great track where he writes about like robinson caruso and that robinson caruso had all these little like it becausele he needed to maximize his own efficiency. we said okay, he needs this many fishin a week and you'll spend this much time fishing and this much time collecting water and this much time making rope swing has this. he has little ledger, and marx said if robinson crusoe did it for himself, what if we created a ledger for like the whole country? so we normally people need to do this and that and this -- like dude, you can't plan out or going to end up with people on the line to get to space. it will not be enough. markets can be really good for figure out supply the net and all that, but they are really bad at figure out, like how do we share water. how do you deal with something like error, you know? how do you deal with things that are best orchestrated as as a commons. i don't mean communism. commons. this is a river, we all share responsibility for the river, we are going to make rules about what can happen in this river, how many fish you are allowed to