us, robotsis out for washing dishes and some are saying that this is not the best thing. >> that's rightcause it is going to basically automate labor and there is a lot of inequality that is happening across the world, especially when you look at the lower end of the manufacturing sector, for example. if robots permeate this in the way that we think they might in the next 50 years, that is going to eliminate a lot of jobs, and it is quite extreme. 80 million u.s. jobs may be destroyed in the next 50 years thanks to robots. that is amazing. carol: you started your story talking about robert gordon over at northwestern university who plays a game called find the robot. does he think that robots are helping the way that we live in making us more productive? matthew: he is quite pessimistic. he is of the notion that all productive gains in the past 100 years are kind of threw the system that we have picked the low hanging fruit, so to speak, years arext 100 going to be much less productive. despite all of this enthusiasm about machine learning and all of this, when you get down to it, it is