robyn spoto helped launch mamabear last august and works tirelessly on marketing the app to parents. she says doing the media rounds has meant everything to their nascent success. "i really like that kind of marketing because there's a level of credibility that comes with it when a news source says here's something you should try." mamabear started with just a couple of downloads a day, but now has nearly 700, adding up to 40,000 registered parents hovering over their kids digitally. she says selling a utility people need is part of the forumla for app success. "know your target audience and really speak to them, and then you can lower the cost of obtaining your customer." knowing that target is everything if you're wanting to jump onto the app scene. with more than 700,000 apps living in the apple app store and about the same for android, competition is cluttered. but the most recent deal by google sent every software engineer running for their storyboards. when the search giant purchased waze, a popular traffic app, for one billion dollars, it set new records and solidified how vit