the key figure is lieutenant commander joseph rochefort who was the commander at pearl harbor. joe is now legendary figure, he is better remembered than dozens of admirals who served in world war ii. he is also an inspiration, those of you who are feeling that your efforts are not properly appreciated, you should remember that when joe rochefort was in the officer program -- in the officer training program, one of his evaluators wrote this individual should not be trusted with important responsibilities. the information that rochefort provided enabled admiral chester nimitz to station his carriers off the island of midway. after the event, we learned there was more back story. president roosevelt had appointed admiral chester nimitz, but nimitz's immediate boss did not think nimitz was fit for the job and showed it in various ways. in the weeks leading up to the battle of midway, nimitz and king were in conflict over what the japanese move were going to be. king believe the japanese were going to the south pacific and nimitz believed it was midway. he was in the position of exp