. >> the people doing the promotion at rocko polco are they on the list for promoters? >> this particular promoter was out of l.a. and to our knowledge they were not. >> so since we have that list so we can hold the promoters accountable how are we doing that? >> how are we doing -- >> how are we holding the promoters from l.a. accountable? >> if they're not registered there isn't much we can do and the respond is with the venue and who they're doing business with. >> i understand but we had the list and it was to help keep promoters in line, and hold them responsible for bad behavior -- >> so that's why i need to interrupt you and explain. you're not the only persons that has those perceptions around the registry. it's simply a registry so the city has an idea to who is doing business. it's not something to hold the promoter responsible to the e at the present time we don't have. >> >> permits or any way to make a promoter responsible. certainly if a violent incident occurred or criminal in nature and we have information about who this is we can give that to the police