rockstar north here in edinburgh is the largest of the studios working on this game.nside the building. security and secrecy is tight. well, ain't this a rare treat? located in the former home of the scotsman newspaper, they're so secretive around here, we were only allowed to film the building's bulging awards cabinet. everything else was out of bounds. we did get to meet one of rockstar‘s head honchos, though — rob nelson. this world has its consolation. rockstar is famous for creating games with open worlds. what's new in red dead redemption 2's open world? for us, the biggest game that we've ever made. notjust going bigger and broader, but striving for a depth, being able to go into more environments. and when you go into those environments, to be able to pick up and interact with things, and being able to interact with people and animals, and interact with the world in a way that we haven't been able to do before. if we're trying to create world that you believe in, and a character that you believe in, you have to have that connection. so we're always try to push