and if politicians or the public feel the same way he does, then another rod blagojevich is just around the corner. i didn't break a law, cross the line, or take a penny, okay? but i never said i wasn't a [bleep] idiot. [laughter] thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much! -awesome. thank you so much. -yeah, thanks. appreciate it. really enjoyed it. you're all right. i wish you the best. we'll see how it ends up and who cares. that's true. find out-- what are you gonna do, throw me back in prison? -no, but i mean, like, -you can't hurt me, man. tapper: for a country that bills itself as the world's oldest democracy, we sure do love a strongman, and from teddy roosevelt all the way up to our reality tv president, nowhere produces more of them than the empire state. and i get it. in an age where congress' approval rating hovers somewhere around sewer rats, we wanna vote for the politician who can finally just get things done. that was eliot spitzer to a "t." but when new yorkers sent the sheriff of wall street to the governor's mansion, we all lear