roderick white: he said, ill give him this- he fought for his life. virtual play-by-play of how terry white murdered don fluitt. one revelation after another. roderick white: i had plan b. he-- he said there was an ax there on the wall of the garage. dennis murphy: but just when they thought theyd heard everything. rod had one more revelation to offer, a big one. matthew caplan: terry told you on several occasions that-- roderick white: told me several times-- several times-- several occasions that he did it for her. that she-- shes the one that told-- told him weve got to do this now. you got to do this for your family. dennis murphy: according to rod, the "she" in question was terrys wife, dons ex, the mother of his darling siena-- christine. rod said--and would later testify in court--that christine was the prime mover of the murder plot. matthew caplan: so terry told you that christine told him to do it for the family? roderick white: yes. they had been looking for an opportunity for a while. dennis murphy: the cellmate said that christine and ter