and to start with my professional colleague or rodney dixon, casey. good morning. thank you very much for attending to day. it is a very significant day because we have as cameron explained, and just submitted on behalf of l 0. the full file of evidence that has been gathered to the ice, is he prosecutor? and what we're urging is that, given that in the palestine situation, there's already an investigation open. that this case should be one of those prioritized to be taken up as soon as possible. a really 6 months has passed or without the officer, the prosecutor giving india indication about what is happening with this case. many have called for an investigation. terean's family are here to day have made the own request. the palestinian authority has provided a comprehensive body of evidence and yet there's been complete silence from the office of the prosecutor on this case on cases across the board. in fact, in the palestine situation. but we're here to day to, to focus on sharon's brutal killing. so we are urging in, in, in our submission that the prosecutor, n