rodney wiggins of baltimore... p pretended be a maintenenceeman ...too gain entry... to a room the hamppon inn ... oon.. iichhe highway n glen burniee. saturdayy../ ppolice ... say... an lderly couple ...let wiggins... in... their room...//then.... wigginssppinted a gun... aa them... demmnding... money and property...//.after ...a search of tte area... / wiggins aad rreettd him. 3 ttis man... 23--yeaa- old.... & zaccarr butler of arnold,.../ - is....underr 3 an officer...//. pplice... &pnoticed butter ...pulling vehiclee.. had a red flashing light... on the dass....//the ooficer ...ran cheek on thh and... fouud it... toobe... a... personally owned -& vechile...// butler was arresteddon thh pppt. &pbig day in court in the trial of accused killer michaal hands of thee jury.crime and justice repoorer joy lepola since phylicia barnes' isappeaaaace. disappearance.she's live outside the courthouse. 3&pjoyit's hard to believe ttaa - pust over 2 years aaooi was sitting down with phyliciaa-3 barnes' mother and fathhr in 3 prosecutors &p3& say the teen was murddred bb mic