roelof salomons it still whether us.the fed is considering boosting stimulus, you would see investors piled into u.s. stocks. is he going to work the same way ?n china yucc >> the chemchina's to watch the monetary data. growth is slowing. they probably will do some stimulus. they have the room and the capability. roelof: it is just a matter of timing. if you see the monetary aggregates picking up a china people will be buying equities. does that make you concerned about the impact on china or global growth, or defend more positive that it can serve spur more stimulus yucca roelof: from the china side there still leaning toward the side that good news is bad news they still have a lot of room to stimulate growth. people 11 worried about the chinese debt problem for years. yet.ot a main concern it is a close capital account. they consume elated and they can contain it. and they will's to elated. and they will stimulate it. matt: what you think about the yuan. it will be interesting to see if they weaken it or not. how they