our taxes are actually higher than roerm's.or support. when we go to war misguided or not we don't conquer or plunder. when we win we usually leave. that is different. in america poor people now live better than the others did we have air-conditioning google pain-killers, flushing toilets longer lives. thanks to the example set by george washington they often leave office voluntarily. although the current president wastes money on recent $100 million trip to africa, nero was much worse. he ner wore the same clothes clothes -- -- nero was worse. another emperor set up a brothel in the palace. sigh beer why yous established an office of imperial pleasure which gathered beautiful boys and girls for all corners of the world so the emperor could de file them. galigula said to have made his favorite horse a senator. >> allow me to introduce the new senator. you will treat him as your peer in every respect. >> even president obama wouldn't do that. (laughter) >> arrogance as our politicians are and repugnant as many of them are they a