is the united states about to fall as roerm dme did. here is a picture of barbarians packing the city. is this our future? first we hear from a conservative and a libertarian. you have the libertarian leanings but historian karl brish shard is an expert on rome and libertarian matt kib bee of freedom works and matthew first. are we becoming rome? >> i think we are. the parallels are quite ominous. the expansion is foreign policy arrogance of executive power taking over. i think we have a chance to stop it. >> i think there are similarities not only with the fall of the empire which is what most people talk about when they talk about the fall of rome but the fall 500 years earlier. i see rome engaging in unconstitutional act political leaders and i see that. >> unconstitutional acts like ballot boxes? >> under the table corruption. but it doesn't bother me as much as the old mert for instance marius elected council six years in a row even though under the roman constitution it was a term one year. people kept voting for him they knew it