its leader roessler responded with his own pledge of allegiance. >> we were elected to this federal government with a large majority and our aim is to help shape policy. we intend to do with unconditionally over the next two years. >> it is a promise the chancellor would normally take for granted. the fact that he feels to cite you -- he has to say it out loud says a lot about the state of his party of the government. >> the berlin elections have given a boost to the green of political fortune. after sweeping to victory in the arts conservative state of baden-wÜrttemberg, they are now the candidates to govern in berlin alongside the fdp -- sdp, that is if mayor woworeit chooses them. the green leadership right now is relishing in their victory over the left party in the ballot booth. beating the successor party to the east german communists has been one of their main goals as the capitalize on concerned about nuclear power. >> japan's nuclear disaster shocked germans and it is evident at the polls that month. a wave of protests saw the green surge in baden-wuerttemburg to their first ever stev